Tuesday, August 19, 2008

It's all about balance

Have you ever noticed everything in life is a matter of balance? Whether it's booze, work, working out, or in Sean's case the number of pairs of Selvage Denim jeans you own. Long story short, too much of anything is usually a bad thing. This brings me to my tip/discussion of the day. I like to use this lesson when putting together my ensemble before leaving for work. It's all about balance...with color....size proportions...etc from having a good shirt tie/combo to lapel size to tie width to collar style.

Take for example the shirt/tie combo. How many times have you left the house thinking, "something about this attire just looks unbalanced, or off a little bit"? One thing that I've learned is to make sure your patterns compliment each other. If you have a small checked tie, go with a wider striped shirt and vice versa. If you have a bright colored shirt soften it up with a simple blue blazer. If you have a fat head, wear a slimming collar style. It's actually a very simple concept but I do admit it can often be challenging. Especially when you have lofty expectations of that new tie you just bought or that cool shirt you have to make work.

Just remember, the key is balance! See? Now you're starting to get it Harrisburg.

Mr. Vegas loves balance.

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