Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Confined by Rules...

The white dress. Such a simple idea and yet we jump so many hurdles to properly wear this piece. If one goes to a wedding, don't even think of wearing a white dress if you're not walking down the aisle with a guy and a ring at the end of it. If you're having a fat week, think twice before throwing on that white dress, and if it's a cookout, happy hour, event of any kind where there will be food and drink(with color)...just don't do it.

This morning, I was faced with a big decision, almost too much to really think about before 8am. I see the white business dress hanging there...an impulse purchase I made that was driven by the fact that this once overpriced dress was now on Clearance simply because we were 4 weeks away from the end of summer and no girl in her right mind would ever wear a solid white dress after the looming Labor Day. What do I say to that? SOLD!

So now, I'm faced with the question, of when do I wear this item, that I so happily skipped out of the store with, laughing at the fools at the cashier thinking about how I just robbed them blind?

My friends...Joke's on me.

Truth be known, it is almost impossible to wear a solid white dress. Logistically, you have only 3 months to wear it. 3 months comes out to roughly 12 weeks...of these 12 weeks, you need to rule out 3 of those weeks as "being out of commission due to womanly reasons..." That leaves us with 9 weeks. As we all know, a white dress stands out, and when you have an outfit that stands out, there is a general rule of thumb, that you can only wear it once a month (every four weeks to be exact) for fear you'll be labeled as the girl who wears the same outfit over and over. Cheap.
So now, we're down to 9 weeks in which you can wear the white dress...which really comes down to 2 times if you adhere to the "four week rule".

So now, I just finshed lunch, sitting here in the new all white dress, draped in napkins for fear of my balsamic dressing making a lunge for the lap which would be the total demise of this dress as everyone knows that stains do NOT come out of white. All this knowing the next time that I can wear this dress will be in the next fiscal year.

Lesson learned? Pick your battles...


Sean said...

Nice work, especially for a summer topic.

Mr. Vegas said...

Saw the white dress today...She pulled it off.